Installing port texlive-base-20120701_10 needs staging disabled

Dominic Fandrey kamikaze at
Mon Apr 7 07:46:18 UTC 2014

On 06/04/2014 23:31, Dr. Peter Voigt wrote:
> I have just tried to upgrade to texlive-base-20120701_10 on
> 10.0-RELEASE. Building of print/texlive-base worked fine but
> installation failed. As a shot in the dark I tried with
> portmaster -m "-DNO_STAGE" -D -G print/texlive-base

I ran into this too. It either means the port does not support
staging properly, or the plist is broken.

In which case you just created an inconsistency. One that luckily
heals with the next upgrade.

A: Because it fouls the order in which people normally read text.
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