[PATCH] net-mgmt/nagios-plugins: enable check_{dns, dig} for FreeBSD 10

geoffroy desvernay dgeo at centrale-marseille.fr
Thu Nov 21 08:16:56 UTC 2013

On 21/11/2013 00:11, geoffroy desvernay wrote:
> I though that the
>  *_DEPENDS+=dig:DNS/bind-tools
> syntax did test for a 'dig' binary before triggering dependency to bind-tools port.
> I did not test on a <10 system ...
After reading bsd.port.mk, and carefully testing on a 9.2 system, it
appears that:
 - "make" in the port doesn't add bind-tools in the dependencies
 - "make build-depends" doesn't add bind-tools
 - a "poudriere bulk" build does build bind-tools, but doesn't add it to
nagios-plugins dependencies
 - "portmaster" does build and install bind-tools (because make
build-depens-list does list it ?)

I CC ports@ here because I don't understand the latter:
 - the discussed patch is here
http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=184118 and tries to add
dns/bind-tools to dependencies ONLY if there is no 'dig' binary in the
system. (via {RUN,BUILD}_DEPENDS+= dig:dns/bind-tools).
Why is portmaster installing it on a 9.2 system (with /usr/bin/dig from
base installed) ?

geoffroy desvernay
C.R.I - Administration systèmes et réseaux
Ecole Centrale de Marseille
Tel: (+33|0)4 91 05 45 24
Fax: (+33|0)4 91 05 45 98
dgeo at centrale-marseille.fr

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