rubygem-nokogiri error: "\xE2" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8

Steve Wills swills at
Thu Jun 13 18:10:24 UTC 2013

> Hello,
> I just attempted to upgrade Ruby & Redmine and one of the gems,
> nokogiri, (and a few others) die with the same "ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8"
> error durring the doc install phase which prevents the port from
> completing the install.
> I've searched and search and cannot find anything that relates to this
> specifically, anyone have any ideas?

I've seen errors like this, although not with this specific port. I
haven't come up with a good solution yet, but often setting LC_LANG or
LANG or LC_ALL to en_us.utf-8 (or whatever is appropriate for you) helps.
FWIW, sets LC_CTYPE=UTF-8, but maybe it needs to set more. The
problem is it's generating docs and needs this, but we don't set a LANG by


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