WITH_BMAKE: make: "/usr/ports/Mk/bsd.port.mk" line 5137: warning: using previous script for "-depends" defined here

John Marino freebsdml at marino.st
Wed Feb 20 12:00:24 UTC 2013

On 2/20/2013 12:46, Chris Rees wrote:
> Simon Gerraty has cleverly written some sed magic that makes the ports
> tree work with bmake.
> Hopefully it'll be ready at some point, but major testing will be
> required, since the ports tree has other weird behaviours of pmake that
> it relies on.
> I'm sure he'll announce when it's ready and we can get testing, but for
> the meantime I honestly wouldn't try it unless you enjoy debugging very
> weird errors!

In the meantime you should keep me involved because we've hit 
bmake-involved errors that I am quite sure sed won't address.  Sure, 
you'll get most of them (we basically did this too, translating the 
problem modifiers during the copy from FreeBSD).  We still had a few 
problems.  DPorts has the solutions in the repository.


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