pkg-plist for security/super

Stephen Montgomery-Smith stephen at
Sat Feb 9 16:42:08 UTC 2013

The first line of security/super/pkg-plist is:
# $FreeBSD: head/security/super/pkg-plist 307297 2012-11-10 17:38:33Z
pawel $

This has the unfortunate effect that the package install process thinks
that there is a file by this name.  So for example, make deinstall produces:

pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/# $FreeBSD: head/security/super/pkg-plist
307297 2012-11-10 17:38:33Z pawel $' doesn't exist

and there is a similar error for make package.

(I have seen a lot of email correspondence about pkgng, which I must
admit I have not followed at all.  Is this related in some way?)


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