I need help with git

Shane Ambler FreeBSD at ShaneWare.Biz
Tue Feb 5 01:02:33 UTC 2013

>> GH_COMMIT=      4dfdc80
> Probably not needed if you specify a tag other than master.

>> If I pull master, I get commit f57e464.  That's not what I want.
>> Why doesn't this thing pull the commit I'm telling it to pull?

I think the thing most people miss here is that GH_COMMIT doesn't
effect what gets downloaded, it's not used like an svn rev number
- it is only used to define WRKSRC

When a github tarball gets extracted GH_COMMIT is part of the dir name.

Which is why it is mandatory and needs to match the tag. It is just
needed to work with the way github creates tarballs. It is inconvenient
but github is only setup to let you download tarballs of specific tags
not specific commits. If the main devs don't tag the specific points you
want the only option is to fork and create your own tags.

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