xpi-* broken since firefox-22

Dominic Fandrey kamikaze at bsdforen.de
Mon Aug 26 12:07:44 UTC 2013

I don't know whether that's a general problem or just affects me,
but since Firefox 22 the xpi-* ports don't work for me any more.

I.e. they install just fine, but firefox doesn't pick them up.

I'm a huge fan of "everything goes into the package system" and I
am convinced plugin systems and automatic updates are just hacks that
wouldn't even exist if Windows had a package system.

But there simply are too many firefox addons and I think before anything
gets fixed it's time to put down some hard rule for plugin/addon kind
of stuff.

My suggestion is the following:

Any plugin/addon may be added to the ports collection if one or more
of the following conditions are met:
- The plugin/addon builds/contains native code
- The plugin/addon is a dependency of another port
- The plugin/addon improves the integration with the base system,
  .e.g. it adds support for common environment variables like LANG,

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