Portmaster/Portupgrade | pkg2ng

Jos Chrispijn kernel at webrz.net
Thu Oct 18 13:06:01 UTC 2012

Matthew Seaman:
> Beware that running pkg2ng converts your system to use pkgng.  This
> makes the old pkg_tools commands (pkg_info, pkg_version, pkg_delete
> etc.) useless -- they'll do nothing but whinge about a corrupted package
> database. Once you've then started using pkgng to install or upgrade
> packages, there isn't an easy way to revert to the old pkg_tools.  So be
> sure you mean it if you choose to run it.
Thanks, that is what I wanted to know. I think I'll leave it like it is 
now. Thought this additional function (both portupgrade and portmaster 
came out of nowhere with this announcement) were expected to install by 
user as there might be a change in service or something like that.

Kind regards,
Jos Chrispijn

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