Portscout Notification Emails
Ryan Steinmetz
zi at FreeBSD.org
Tue Nov 27 18:39:37 UTC 2012
On (11/27/12 19:38), Olli Hauer wrote:
> Hi Ryan,
> would you mind to start over with a current ports-tree *and* a fresh portscout
> DB, or do a cleanup and remove ports which are no longer in the tree?
> For example the following 42 ports are removed since 2012-01-01 but are listed
> for apache at .
> apache-contrib apache13 apache13+ipv6 apache13-modperl apache13-ssl auth_ldap
> mod_access_identd mod_access_referer mod_accounting mod_auth_cookie_mysql
> mod_auth_external mod_auth_imap mod_auth_kerb mod_auth_mysql mod_auth_pam
> mod_auth_pgsql mod_auth_useragent mod_backhand mod_bandwidth mod_bf
> mod_blowchunks mod_bunzip2 mod_cgi_debug mod_color mod_curb mod_dav
> mod_extract_forwarded_ap13 mod_filter mod_index_rss mod_layout mod_log_spread
> mod_mp3 mod_mylo mod_perl mod_proxy_add_forward mod_put mod_python mod_sed
> mod_sequester mod_shapvh mod_sqlinclude mod_ticket mod_trigger
> mod_cvs -> removed but sends update requests for mod_cvs2
> mod_macro -> removed but sends updates for mod_macro22
Currently investigating this.
> Thanks,
> olli
Ryan Steinmetz
PGP: EF36 D45A 5CA9 28B1 A550 18CD A43C D111 7AD7 FAF2
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