[RFC] Seeking Approval: include bsd.port.pre.mk so SRC_BASE is defined before referenced

Mark Linimon linimon at lonesome.com
Mon May 21 22:39:14 UTC 2012

Thanks for doing this work.  A quick review looks to me to be TRT.

I would suggest some minor fixes but only for style: for me, it makes
it a bit clearer what's going on if the pre.mk include isn't among
the various WITH_* definitions, e.g. net/skystar2.  Or maybe just
having a blank line before the inclusion would help.

Also, for sysutils/fusefs-kmod, I would do the following:

 - move the MAKE_ENV= definition past the bsd.ports.pre.mk inclusion
 - throw the SRC_BASE?= line away.


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