Libreoffice, javaPathHelper: not found

Robert Huff roberthuff at
Tue Jun 5 11:57:39 UTC 2012

Leslie Jensen writes:

>  I have this on my system
>  pkg_info | grep java
>  java-zoneinfo-2012.c Updated Java timezone definitions
>  javavmwrapper-2.3.5 Wrapper script for various Java Virtual Machines
>  pkg_info | grep jdk
>  diablo-jdk- Java Development Kit 1.6.0_07.02
>  jdk-    Java Development Kit 1.6.0

	It is my understanding the recommended Java implementation is
openjdk6.  Also: if you have no program that has diabko-jdk-* as a
run dependency, it is superfluous once jdk-*/openjdk* has been
succesfully installed (and can and probably should be removed).
	I have no idea whether/how this affects libreoffice or other
programs that use Java.  Please consult with the better informed
(i.e. the "java@" mailing list) for more information.


				Robert Huff

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