INDEX build failed for 7.x

Erwin Lansing erwin at
Mon Jul 23 14:54:08 UTC 2012

INDEX build failed with errors:
Generating INDEX-7 - please wait.. Done.
Warning: Duplicate INDEX entry: phpgroupware-

Committers on the hook:
ache az cs dougb mm ohauer olgeni rm sunpoet tota vd 

Most recent CVS update was:
U databases/tdb/Makefile
U devel/libgta/Makefile
U devel/p5-Class-Std-Fast/Makefile
U devel/talloc/Makefile
U devel/tevent/Makefile
U german/mythes/Makefile
U german/mythes/distinfo
U graphics/ImageMagick/Makefile
U graphics/ImageMagick/distinfo
U graphics/ImageMagick/pkg-plist
U graphics/enblend/Makefile
U graphics/enblend/distinfo
U graphics/enblend/files/patch-png.cxx
U misc/rabbit/Makefile
U net-im/mbpurple/Makefile
U polish/hunspell/Makefile
U polish/hunspell/distinfo
U security/libotr/Makefile
U textproc/hunspell/pkg-descr
U textproc/nl-mythes/Makefile
U textproc/nl-mythes/distinfo
U textproc/sk-mythes/Makefile
U textproc/sk-mythes/distinfo
U textproc/sl-mythes/Makefile
U textproc/sl-mythes/distinfo
U www/Makefile
U www/WebMagick/Makefile
U www/WebMagick/distinfo
U www/p5-Apache-GopherHandler/Makefile
U www/p5-W3C-LogValidator/Makefile
U www/phpgroupware/Makefile
U www/phpgroupware/distinfo
U www/phpgroupware/pkg-descr
U www/phpgroupware/pkg-plist

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