INDEX build failed for 7.x

Erwin Lansing erwin at
Tue Feb 7 18:08:47 UTC 2012

INDEX build failed with errors:
Generating INDEX-7 - please wait.. Done.
make_index: vindaloo-0.2_6: no entry for /usr/ports
make_index: vindaloo-0.2_6: no entry for /usr/ports

Committers on the hook:
bapt bf blackend crees dhn dinoex dougb eadler ehaupt erwin flo glewis gordon miwi pav pgollucci romain sahil scheidell sunpoet swills tota wen wxs 

Most recent CVS update was:
U comms/p5-SMS-SMS77/Makefile
U devel/bsdbuild/Makefile
U devel/gsettings-desktop-schemas/Makefile
U devel/p5-B-Hooks-Parser/Makefile
U devel/p5-B-Hooks-Parser/distinfo
U devel/p5-Carp-REPL/Makefile
U devel/p5-Gearman-Client-Async/Makefile
U devel/p5-Path-Abstract/Makefile
U devel/p5-Path-Resource/Makefile
U devel/p5-Tie-LLHash/Makefile
U devel/p5-UUID/Makefile
U emulators/snes9x-gtk/Makefile
U graphics/gdal/Makefile
U graphics/skanlite/Makefile
U graphics/skanlite/pkg-plist
U mail/p5-Mail-SpamAssassin/Makefile
U mail/rspamd/Makefile
U math/octave-forge-base/Makefile
U multimedia/mythtv/Makefile
U net/libnetdude/Makefile
U net/libpcapnav/Makefile
U net/netdude/Makefile
U net-mgmt/nagios-snmp-plugins-extras/Makefile
U print/lyx/Makefile
U print/lyx16/Makefile
U textproc/Makefile
U textproc/R-cran-stringr/Makefile
U textproc/R-cran-stringr/distinfo
U textproc/R-cran-stringr/pkg-descr
U www/mod_pagespeed/Makefile

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