E17 won't start

Volodymyr Kostyrko c.kworr at gmail.com
Tue Dec 25 13:32:56 UTC 2012

24.12.2012 11:57, Grzegorz Blach:
> I rebuilt all EFL and E17 with clang and I get black screen issue,
> but E17 start to work after I rebuilt only evas-core with gcc.
> Can anyone confirm that, building evas-core with gcc fixes this issue.

Sorry for joining lately but yes, recompiling evas-core fixes 
everything. I didn't touch any other packages as core dump directly 
pointed to some function in libecore.so.8.

But that's on amd64 only, I'm retesting on i386 as there can be more bugs.

Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.

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