vdr 1.7.27 update committed

Juergen Lock nox at jelal.kn-bremen.de
Sat Apr 21 14:47:35 UTC 2012


 I have finally committed the vdr 1.7.27 update, to upgrade make sure
your portstree is up to date and then do:

	# portmaster vdr-plugins

 The multimedia/vdr port has gained a new knob, DVBPATCH, that adds
a patch to fix DVB audio for some countries (like France), I didn't
add the patch unconditionally because there were reports it breaks
ATSC reception.

 The changes since 1.7.22 can be seen (after the installation) in:


- or on the web in the vdr announce postings in the vdr mailinglist
archives here:


 And here is the commit message:



  - Update multimedia/vdr and multimedia/vdr-plugins to 1.7.27 .
  - Update multimedia/vdr-plugin-epgsearch to 1.0.1s20120322 git snapshot.
  - Update multimedia/vdr-plugin-femon to 1.7.15 .
  - Update multimedia/vdr-plugin-iptv to 0.5.0 .
  - Update multimedia/vdr-plugin-osdteletext to 0.9.2 .
  - Update multimedia/vdr-plugin-streamdev to 0.5.1p20120311 git snapthot.
  - Update multimedia/vdr-plugin-xineliboutput to 1.0.90s20111129.1002
    cvs snapshot.
  - Bump PORTREVISION for all other plugins and add vdr 1.7.27
    compatibility/bugfix patches where necessary

 Enjoy, :)

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