Upgrading KDE 4.6.5 -> 4.7.2 Kmail Errors

Aric Gregson aorchid at mac.com
Fri Nov 11 00:08:28 UTC 2011


I am receiving new Kmail errors that I have not seen previously, although I 
do see reports of similar on the web.

Error while uploading message
Could not upload the message dated Today 08:47:52 AM from "SoANDSo" 
<SoANDSo at server.net> with subject "FW: SomeSubject" to the server.
The destination folder was: Mednet/inbox.
The server reported:
Command Argument Error. 12

This never happened with 4.6.5. I have reinstalled all components of kde 
that I can think of (portmaster kde, plus py-keybinding stuff). 

Any ideas why this may be happening?

Thanks, Aric

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