FreeBSD Port: mysql-server-5.5.9

Lars Eighner portsuser at
Thu Mar 10 20:45:57 UTC 2011

On Thu, 10 Mar 2011, joeb wrote:

> I have been using mysql since fbsd 7.2 and always just issued the
> mysql_install_db command on the command line to create mysql's control
> databases and it always worked fine.
> But now with fbsd 8.2 I get the following error and have no idea why.
> I installed using pkg_add -r mysql55-server command.
> I see that 3 weeks ago you updated the mysql55-server port from mysql 554
> to 559.  I believe there is an error in your update causing the
> mysql_install_db command to error out.  The error message follows.
> # /usr/local/bin >mysql_install_db --user=mysql      or
> #root >mysql_install_db --user=mysql

I'm not sure I follow this, but if you have an existing db, the command to
issue IMMEDIATELY after updating mysql is mysql_upgrade. (see man
mysql_upgrade).  If mysql_upgrade it not necessary (for example in a
reinstall) it will say so harmlessly.

Error messages you may get if you fail to mysql_upgrade, in my experience,
vary from not pertinent to completely misleading.

Lars Eighner
8800 N IH35 APT 1191 AUSTIN TX 78753-5266

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