What ports require this port?

Dan Langille dan at langille.org
Mon Feb 7 01:42:16 UTC 2011

Over the weekend, a new feature was added to FreshPorts BETA.  A port 
now lists all ports that require it.  This code will eventually move to 
production after it's been running on on the beta site for a while.


* The code uses the output of make -V RUN_DEPENDS -V LIB_DEPENDS -V 
* Only the default build is queried
* This is not recursive.

For example, at


You will find:

Required by:
for Build
graphics/iiview graphics/optar graphics/tumbler

for Libraries
astro/astrometry astro/celestia astro/celestia-gnome [long list snipped]

More information:

* The original request:


* Some background on the work:

  or  http://tinyurl.com/6fezxpq

Dan Langille - http://langille.org/

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