FreeBSD Port: rt-3.8.11

Thomas Sibley trs at
Thu Dec 1 22:46:21 UTC 2011


Thanks for packaging RT!

It appears that Makefile.cpan hasn't been updated from 3.8.8's
dependencies to 3.8.11's.  Consequently, RT will be broken after moving
from 3.8.8 to a newer version.  This was discovered while
troubleshooting an RT upgrade for a customer whose system didn't have
p5-Digest-SHA installed.

Running `git log -p rt-3.8.8..rt-3.8.11 sbin/`
from RT's repo will show you the handful of changes, including a new dep
and version bumps.

Normally RT's Makefile target testdeps would catch incorrect module
versions and missing modules before install, but it appears to be
disabled by a packaging patch.  If there are still reasons for disabling
testdeps during install/upgrade, perhaps testdeps can be run as a
packaging sanity check?  If it exits with an error, a message could be
reported to the user letting them know there may be a problem with the
package (hopefully prompting them to file a bug report like this one).


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