PR's not being picked up (Was Re: becoming a port committor)

Anonymous swell.k at
Mon Nov 22 06:47:55 UTC 2010

"Janky Jay, III" <jankyj at> writes:

> On 11/21/2010 10:26 PM, Charlie Kester wrote:
>> On Sun 21 Nov 2010 at 20:09:23 PST Beech Rintoul wrote:
>>> That is correct, although it is possible to use a unified diff
>>> with the "-N" flag against a non existent source. The problem is
>>> too many contributors send in update pr's in shar format which
>>> are a real PITA to deal with from our end.
>>> You may notice that many pr's aren't picked up by committers for
>>> just that reason.
>     Almost anyone who is an only semi-serious port maintainer (meaning
> they only have a select few number of ports to maintain and are only
> trying to contribute/participate) knows that maybe this issue is due
> to the porter's handbook. Specifically
> which blatantly states that all submissions whether they are new OR
> updates be submitted in shar format. Maybe the commiters should bring
> this up and have a few less to deal with..? Just a suggestion.

It's because you're looking at the wrong chapter. That one is about new ports,
not updates/bugfixes/changes.

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