Users and groups kept after a port deinstallation

Anonymous swell.k at
Sat May 22 23:40:09 UTC 2010

RW <rwmaillists at> writes:

> On Sat, 22 May 2010 11:42:53 -0400
> jhell <jhell at> wrote:
>> This is more of a best practices case than what the implications of
>> leaving users in the master.passwd are.
> Why is it best practice? Why add extra complexity to solve a problem
> that doesn't actually exist?

Such unused entries in passwd add clutter. It in turn makes managing
users more complex. You have to remember which users are created by you
and which ones are created by ports. So, if you change home dir of some
user there may be undesireble consequences. And only then security
becomes a concern because port app may be run with privilegies that are
higher than intended.

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