Who to bug to commit some ports ?

Kurt Jaeger lists at opsec.eu
Sun Jun 13 09:24:18 UTC 2010


I recently submitted some PRs for updates and new ports and would
like to know whom to ask for them to be committed. Yes, I know, I can
try to bug some ports committers using e-mail 8-), but if possible,
I would like to avoid this 8-)

So, if someone points me to the right way of getting a committer
to commit it, I would be grateful. 

Here's the list:

- java/dbvis, update to new dbvis version

- devel/cego-base as new port

- devel/cego-xml as new port

- databases/cego as new port

pi at opsec.eu            +49 171 3101372                        10 years to go !

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