MASTER_SITE defined by google search result

Shaun Amott shaun at
Fri Jul 23 17:51:36 UTC 2010

On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 12:17:31PM +0200, Emanuel Haupt wrote:
> Usually when I find that a port can't fetch the according distfile I
> simply google for the distfile with the following search string (e.g.
> for rsync):
> 	intitle:"index of" rsync-3.0.7.tar.gz
> This approach almost always delivers plenty of results. I then manually
> download one of the results into my DISTDIR and restart the normal
> build process which then automatically takes care of the integrity
> (checksum, size) of the distfile(s).
> I thought, why not automate this and I came up with a simple perl
> script (requires www/p5-Google-Search):

Very cool and wonderfully efficient! One possible enhancement might be
to also (conditionally?) search for the size from distinfo; this is
particularly useful when dealing with distfiles which lack a version

Shaun Amott // PGP: 0x6B387A9A
"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin
of little minds." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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