latest MySql?

David Southwell david at
Wed Jan 13 16:38:42 UTC 2010

> On Wed, 13 Jan 2010 02:09:24 -0500 Robert Huff <roberthuff at> 
> > 	MySql-6.* is no longer in the ports tree.  Things depend on it.
> > 	Is there information on what happened and what the alternatives  are?
> I have MySQL-6 installed. I have several applications that depend on it.
> What would be the recommended method to replace it with the latest
> stable release of MySQL? I see that 'portupgrade' offers quite a few
> options. Would one of them work? I really do not want to have to rebuild
> all of my applications that depend on MySQL-6 if possible.
> Thank you!

One of the disadvantages of being an earlier adopter and not waiting for the 
tribe to cross the canyon!!

MySQL-6 was a development version which was not ready for production servers. 
Given the development issues I am not surprised it has been dropped for the 
time being.
I think you may need to adapt any code that does not work on 5.5 to meet your 

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