ports-mgmt/portconf , ports-mgmt/portmaster and make args

marco marco+freebsd-ports at lordsith.net
Fri Dec 31 09:30:32 UTC 2010

Sorry if this has been answered already (just joined this list).
I've recently switched to portmaster(8) from portupgrade(1).
I'd like to be able to define make args for certain ports as portupgrade supports using /usr/local/etc/pkgtools.conf (MAKE_ARGS section).
I installed ports-mgmt/portconf and setup some make args in /usr/local/etc/ports.conf
Using portmaster, one is able to prefer packages over compiling source code (-P or --packages).

Here is what i'd like to achieve:

use portmaster with the -P option (using PM_PACKAGES=first in /usr/local/etc/portmaster.rc) to have a package installed if available, _but_ when a port matches a port I've defined in /usr/local/etc/ports.conf to use certain make args then _don't_ install the package but actually build the port.

Is that achievable using the portmaster and portconf ports?

Marco van Lienen

Use UNIX or die.

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