failed configure of multimedia/handbrake

Charlie Kester corky1951 at
Wed Dec 8 22:19:51 UTC 2010

On Wed 08 Dec 2010 at 09:22:40 PST Ade Lovett wrote:
>On Dec 07, 2010, at 19:09 , Jonathan wrote:
>> ${PATCH_WRKSRC} and $$file from ${LIBTOOLFILES} have the full path to
>> the target file which when combined causes the not found error.  I'm
>> guessing this has something to do with the recent autotools changes
>> so I'm cc'ing ade@
>The port Makefile is incorrect.  LIBTOOLFILES should be set (if
>necessary) to a relative path, not an absolute one.
>grep -R LIBTOOLFILES /usr/ports will show you all the ports that
>do this correctly -- the most recent autotools changes were
>essentially a null-op to massively reduce tree-diffs on upgrades of

Thanks Ade!  I can confirm that removing the reference to ${WRKSRC} on
the LIBTOOLFILES line fixes the issue I'd been seeing.

The handbrake port is unmaintained, and I don't see a PR with this fix.
Shall I submit one, or is it already being handled?

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