FOX ToolKit changes

Pietro Cerutti gahr at
Tue Aug 24 14:24:03 UTC 2010

Hi all,

as you have probably noticed (I broke the INDEX twice in the last 24h
[tnx pav@ for promptly fixing it!]), I have committed a set of changes
to the ports related to the FOX ToolKit.

Here's a brief summary.

===== Added ports =====

- x11-toolkits/fox17
  . introduction to the new development branch, version 1.7.21

- editors/fxite
  . a cross platform editor, built on top of FXScintilla and FOX 16

===== Modified ports =====

- x11-toolkits/fxscintilla
  . updated to latest version (2.11.0)
  . dropped support for FOX 12 (removed) and FOX 14 (unsupported)

- x11-toolkits/fox14
  . updated CONFLICTS to reflect the removal of FOX 12 and addition of FOX 17

- x11-toolkits/ruby-fox16
  . updated CONFLICTS to reflect the removal of FOX 12 and addition of FOX 17
  . PORTREVISION bump to chase FXScintilla's shlib bump

- x11-fm/xfe
  . updated to the latest version (1.32.1)
  . now maintained by me

===== Removed ports =====

- x11-toolkits/fox12
- x11-toolkits/fxscintilla-fox12
- x11-toolkits/fxscintilla-fox14
- x11-toolkits/ruby-fox12
- editors/mondrian
- devel/freeride
- devel/freebase

Enjoy the Fox Toolkit at :)

Pietro Cerutti
gahr at

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