FreeBSD Port: xmonad-0.9.1_1

Giuseppe Pagnoni gpagnoni at
Fri Apr 30 17:39:51 UTC 2010

Dear xmonad maintainers,

I just noticed that with the latest port tree upgrade (as of today),
even when force-rebuilding all the ports dependent on libgmp (after
its recent update detailed in /usr/ports/UPDATING), xmonad crashes on
startup with the following error message:

/libexec/ Shared object not found, required by
xmonad -x86_64-freebsd

which seems to indicate that the xmonad dependency on libgmp was not
updated in the port's files to follow the recent libgmp bump.  I was
able to make it work anyway with:

  ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/

but I wanted to signal the issue.

very best,


PS: I am running  FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE-p2 / amd64

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