MySQL cluster FreeBSD port

Mark Powell M.S.Powell at
Fri Oct 30 13:04:04 UTC 2009

   Thanks for your work maintaining the FreeBSD mysql ports.
   I'm trying to setup MySQL cluster. I 1st tried your 
databases/mysql51-server v5.1.39 port with WITH_NDB=1. That kinda gets ndb 
support, but it seems a bit dated. It seems this has something to do with 
MySQL cluster being split out of MySQL proper. Strange that some NDB code 
still remains.
   I tried manually building the cluster proper:

That seems to get a version with the latest cluster:


   Strange again that the mysql version in there is older than the latest. 
This MySQL versioning is confusing.
   I'm still testing this, but was wondering about a port for MySQL 
cluster. Is this something you've experimented with? Or has no port been 
made due to cluster not working properly on FreeBSD?

Mark Powell - UNIX System Administrator - The University of Salford
Information & Learning Services, Clifford Whitworth Building,
Salford University, Manchester, M5 4WT, UK.
Tel: +44 161 295 6843  Fax: +44 161 295 6624 for PGP key

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