diablo-jdk with FreeBSD-8.0

Carlos A. M. dos Santos unixmania at gmail.com
Fri Jul 31 22:07:32 UTC 2009

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 6:21 PM, Stephen
Montgomery-Smith<stephen at missouri.edu> wrote:
> I am running a very recent amd64 version of FreeBSD-8.0.  diablo-jdk is no
> longer working.  I am guessing it is the bumped shared library versions
> (because I did do "make delete-old-libs" as part of my installation).

I was bitten by this snake a few hours ago. Solved it by creating a
/etc/libmap.conf with

     # echo libz.so.4 libz.so.5 > /etc/libmap.conf

That allowed it to run well enough to bootstrap the building of jdk 1.5:

     # cd /usr/ports/java/jdk15
     # make install

Then I deleted Diablo with

     # pkg_delete diablo\*

I built jdk 1.5 because I need it, but I guess you can build jdk 1.6.

> My guess is that the problem will be solved when a version 8.0 of diablo-jdk
> comes out, and I was inquiring about an ETA.

So I guess.

My preferred quotation of Robert Louis Stevenson is "You cannot
make an omelette without breaking eggs". Not because I like the
omelettes, but because I like the sound of eggs being broken.

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