pkgdb -F and obsolete packages

RW rwmaillists at
Tue Jan 27 06:37:14 PST 2009

After updating my ports tree, pkgdb prompted me to remove a couple of
obsolete packages and then failed to delete them (see below). 

I deleted them manually, but I would have thought pkgdb should either
removed the dependencies first, or force the delete and then handle
the stale dependencies afterwards.

# pkgdb -F
--->  Checking the package registry database
[Updating the pkgdb <format:bdb_btree> in /var/db/pkg ... - 846 packages found (-1 +0) (...) done]
Stale origin: 'x11/xphelloworld': perhaps moved or obsoleted.
-> The port 'x11/xphelloworld' was removed on 2009-01-24 because:
        "Xprint application, deprecated upstream"
-> Hint:  xphelloworld-1.0.1_1 is required by the following package(s):
-> Hint: checking for overwritten files...
 -> No files installed by xphelloworld-1.0.1_1 have been overwritten by other packages.
Deinstall xphelloworld-1.0.1_1 ? [no] yes
--->  Deinstalling 'xphelloworld-1.0.1_1'
pkg_delete: package 'xphelloworld-1.0.1_1' is required by these other packages
and may not be deinstalled:
** Listing the failed packages (-:ignored / *:skipped / !:failed)
        ! xphelloworld-1.0.1_1  (pkg_delete failed)
Command failed [exit code 1]: /usr/local/sbin/pkg_deinstall xphelloworld-1.0.1_1

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