[patch] net-p2p/deluge port improvement - startup scripts

Victor Popov v.a.popov at gmail.com
Sat Jan 24 20:44:19 PST 2009

Hash: SHA1

Hello Jeremy and everybody on the list,

Deluge bittorrent client is great, and has a flexible architecture, which
allows user to run a downloading daemon, only occasionally launching an
user interface to manage downloads; all the other time daemon can work
net-p2p/deluge port is missing startup scripts for daemon, and this is
what I want to be fixed.

The attached patch adds two rc scripts, for launching the daemon, deluged,
and for launching deluge in webui mode. Ideally, this should be several
separate ports, like net-p2p/transmission-*, but deluge is installed by
own installer, so dividing port into several would require a lot of work.

Some comments about why I wrote these startup scripts in this way:
- - First of all, I don't at all like the idea of running p2p client as
usual desktop user for security reasons - desktop users may store
sensitive information in their mailboxes, browser configs and other
places, so it is better to dedicate different uid for peering task. This
is why _user and _home configuration variables are introduced.
I wonder, should we assign an uid in the UIDs file? What default homedir
should this user have? I've set default to /home/deluge, and maybe there
are better places?
- - Minor bug in launching command-line: it should be --logfile=${logfile},
not a redirection, but unfortunately it does not work now. Could not
investigate and fix it, sorry.
- - run_rc_command is called with environment variable HOME set to ${home},
because deluged can't determine homedir from user, and it does not accept
"-c" switch.
- - Bug in deluge-webui script: when it is time to stop deluge, script has
to find process due to lack of pidfile. If at that time you are running
deluge with gtk UI, script will find your instance, and will try to kill
it. If deluge_webui_user is not you, it's ok, your deluge is safe, but
after that script will not be able to start webui, because it would think
it is already running. This is because deluge program does not accept
"--pidfile" parameter. There is already a feature-request in deluge
bug-tracker for adding pidfile [http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/ticket/758],
so maybe soon it would be possible to improve this script.

Can this patch be commited, please? If something is wrong, comments would
be very appreciated.

P.S.: Sorry for my bad English, vast discourse on possibly obvious things
and a long message.

- --
Best regards, Victor Popov	mailto:v.a.popov at gmail,com
Version: GnuPG v2.0.10 (FreeBSD)

-------------- next part --------------
diff -urN net-p2p/deluge.orig/Makefile net-p2p/deluge/Makefile
--- net-p2p/deluge.orig/Makefile	2009-01-19 07:18:08.000000000 +0300
+++ net-p2p/deluge/Makefile	2009-01-25 02:32:25.506351031 +0300
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 PORTNAME=	deluge
 CATEGORIES=	net-p2p python
 MASTER_SITES=	http://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/deluge/source/${PORTVERSION}/
@@ -53,6 +54,10 @@
 	@${ECHO_CMD} "Keep in mind, choice WITHOUT_PYGTK still will installing a lot of GUI files that are for pygtk. The installation tool does not provide option to disable install the GUI files. These GUI files are harmless as long as you do not touch these or it won't work because it needs pygtk." | ${FMT} 75 75
+USE_RC_SUBR=	deluged deluge-webui
+SUB_FILES=	deluged deluge-webui
diff -urN net-p2p/deluge.orig/files/deluge-webui.in net-p2p/deluge/files/deluge-webui.in
--- net-p2p/deluge.orig/files/deluge-webui.in	1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
+++ net-p2p/deluge/files/deluge-webui.in	2009-01-25 02:31:14.036748983 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# PROVIDE: deluge_webui
+# REQUIRE: LOGIN deluged
+# KEYWORD: shutdown
+# Add the following line to /etc/rc.conf to enable the deluge web ui daemon:
+# deluge_webui_enable (bool):	Set to "NO" by default.
+#				Set it to "YES" to enable deluge web ui daemon.
+# deluge_webui_user (str):	Defaults to "deluge"
+#				User running deluge web ui daemon
+# deluge_webui_home (str):	Defaults to "/home/deluge"
+#				Directory to store configuration and possibly downloads
+# deluge_webui_logfile (str):	Defaults to "$deluge_webui_home/deluge_webui.log"
+# deluge_webui_loglevel (str):	Verbosity of logging, defaults to "error". Possible values:
+#				none, info, warning, error, critical, debug
+# deluge_webui_args (str):	Custom additional arguments for deluge, default empty
+. %%RC_SUBR%%
+load_rc_config ${name}
+: ${deluge_webui_enable="NO"}
+: ${deluge_webui_user="deluge"}
+: ${deluge_webui_home="/home/deluge"}
+: ${deluge_webui_logfile="${deluge_webui_home}/${name}.log"}
+: ${deluge_webui_loglevel="error"}
+: ${deluge_webui_args=""}
+command_args="--ui=web --loglevel=${deluge_webui_loglevel} ${deluge_webui_args} >> ${deluge_webui_logfile} 2>&1 &"
+HOME=${deluge_webui_home} run_rc_command "$1"
diff -urN net-p2p/deluge.orig/files/deluged.in net-p2p/deluge/files/deluged.in
--- net-p2p/deluge.orig/files/deluged.in	1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
+++ net-p2p/deluge/files/deluged.in	2009-01-25 02:30:34.132295332 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# PROVIDE: deluged
+# KEYWORD: shutdown
+# Add the following line to /etc/rc.conf to enable the deluged daemon:
+# deluged_enable (bool):	Set to "NO" by default.
+#				Set it to "YES" to enable deluged daemon.
+# deluged_user (str):		Defaults to "deluge"
+#				User running deluged daemon
+# deluged_home (str):		Defaults to "/home/deluge"
+#				Directory to store configuration and possibly downloads
+# deluged_pidfile (str):	Defaults to "$deluged_home/deluged.pid"
+# deluged_logfile (str):	Defaults to "$deluged_home/deluged.log"
+# deluged_loglevel (str):	Verbosity of logging, defaults to "error". Possible values:
+#				none, info, warning, error, critical, debug
+# deluged_args (str):		Custom additional arguments for deluged, default empty
+. %%RC_SUBR%%
+# read configuration and set defaults
+load_rc_config ${name}
+: ${deluged_enable="NO"}
+: ${deluged_user="deluge"}
+: ${deluged_home="/home/deluge"}
+: ${deluged_port="58846"}
+: ${deluged_pidfile="${deluged_home}/${name}.pid"}
+: ${deluged_logfile="${deluged_home}/${name}.log"}
+: ${deluged_loglevel="error"}
+: ${deluged_args=""}
+command_args="--port=${deluged_port} --pidfile=${deluged_pidfile} --loglevel=${deluged_loglevel} ${deluged_args} >> ${deluged_logfile} 2>&1"
+HOME=${deluged_home} run_rc_command "$1"

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