portmaster some_port vs. portmaster 'some_port*'

RW rwmaillists at googlemail.com
Wed Jan 14 13:08:40 PST 2009

On Wed, 14 Jan 2009 20:39:41 +0200
Ion-Mihai Tetcu <itetcu at FreeBSD.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> Maybe I'm not reading the man page correctly, but I would expect 
> portmaster, if invoked with a wild-card, to:
> - first update the dependencies of the ports matched by the
> 'some_port*' it gets on the command line
> - then to update the ports matched by said wild-card in dependency
> order.

Logically it should work through all relevant ports in dependency
order, which is not the same thing as your two-stage build. 

The way you expected it to work doesn't guarantee  dependency order.
Think about the the dependency order FooA -> Bar -> FooB and the
wildcard Foo*  

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