FreeBSD Port: openfoam-1.4.1_1

Thierry Thomas thierry at
Wed Jan 7 22:03:26 UTC 2009

Le Mer  7 jan 09 à  8:50:57 +0100, Richard Samuel <rsamuel at>
 écrivait :
> Dear Thierry and Ports crew,

Hello Richard,

> I have constructed (some might say cobbled together) a port of Paraview 3.4
> and OpenFOAM 1.5.1. They appear to work ok but as I am only just meshing up
> my first test case, much remains to be seen. They are also not fully
> featured - so far I have only implemented the features I am likely to use in
> the near future or that I am able to test, so Paraview has no PYTHON
> support, and features Takuya Ashima's native parallel reader but parallel
> operation is not enabled, and some other fringe things. Also OpenFOAM is not
> so much of a port, as it is a patched version of the latest git sources.
> Neither port is very elegant - in the case of Paraview I have probably
> broken multiple taboos, but as a first-time porter that should not be any
> surprise.

This is very interesting. I tried to upgrade OpenFoam to the latest 1.5
from the offcial tarball, but did'nt succeed: it seems that some files
(e.g. mgridgen.h are mising)!

I don't find 1.5.1 on their site; is it available only from git, or is
there a tarball available?

Best regards,
Th. Thomas.
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