tetex and texlive port

Anh Ky Huynh xkyanh at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 08:02:42 UTC 2009

Hi all,

I often use TeXLive instead of teTeX which isn't been developed anymore. After I remove teTeX from system, I encounter some problems when building/upgrading ports. For example, _evince_, _lyx_ couldn't be built without teTeX. (In fact, evince and lyx can be used with TeXLive.)

It's nice to install teTeX, install LyX then remove teTeX. But as far as I know, teTeX is quite big and I don't know to pull it from the repository then just remove it.

Because TeXLive is now the most sexy way for TeX users on *nix system, I suggest that FreeBSD should add TeXLive port, and something likes *texwrapper* that allows users to select teTeX or TeXLive. We can even move teTeX to *obsolete* :)

I haven't any depth knowledge about the ports, but I can give some helps. I've just built TeXLive on my FreeBSD system (The latest TeXLive supports binary distribution for NetBSD while the previous ones have something for FreeBSD users.)

Just my two cents.


PS: Build TeXLive on FreeBSD (i386) http://viettug.org/wiki/tex/TeXLive_2009_Install_On_FreeBSD

Anh Ky Huynh
- TeX: http://viettug.org/
- BSD: http://lovebsd.net/

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