What about DESTDIR applied to ports?

Gabor Kovesdan gabor at kovesdan.org
Tue Oct 14 13:03:50 UTC 2008

Angelo Turetta ha scritto:
> I seem to remember some work on building ports/packages in a chroot
> using DESTDIR.
> I found a lot of infrastructure in bsd.destdir.mk, does anybody know
> what status all that stuff is at?
> Any docs/errata/TODO worth reading before experimenting with it?
Hello Angelo,

I worked on that DESTDIR feature, and as far as I know, there hasn't 
been any serious bug reported about it, so I think you can safely use 
it. What it does is nullmounting your ports tree into a chroot 
environment and building the ports there chrooted. First, there was an 
attempt to install ports to the chroot from outside but it failed 
because most of the ports are not ready to do so out of the box, so now 
the DESTDIR-support is much simpler and less error-prone.


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