What if a port uses build systems not supported by ports

Guido Falsi mad at madpilot.net
Fri Nov 21 14:55:36 PST 2008

matt donovan wrote:
> Since I come across a few applications that don't use imake, gmake, or a
> configure script. How do I make these third party build systems work for the
> port system. For example one port I been playing around with is jam which is
> used to build a certain application.


This is not a problem for ports. There are already some ports using jam.
jam itself is in devel/jam, and you'll have to set it in your BUILD_DEPENDS.

My port in games/netpanzer uses it and also games/trigger I found now 
does. There may be others; you could look at those ports to get ideas.

Usually you just override the do-build target with the commands to run 
jam or other build tool.

The same goes for do-install, if needed.

Hope this helps.

Guido Falsi <mad at madpilot.net>

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