Why no MovableType port?

Sahil Tandon sahil at tandon.net
Fri May 23 00:08:04 UTC 2008

* Tilman Linneweh <arved at freebsd.org> [05-23-2008]:

> On May 22, 2008, at 20:13, Jeremy Messenger wrote:
>>> www/MT
>> Interesting.. Wondering why not rename it as www/movabletype? A lot of 
>> people have no idea what 'MT' is and the 'movabletype' will get hit in 
>> search engine a lot faster.
> Well, "make search key="movabletype"" finds the port, and it has been named 
> "MT" since 5 years. I maintain it since 4 years, and this is the first time 
> someone complained. MT is the short name used all over the website (like 
> "MT Day", "MT Beta", "MT professionals", "MT community", "Styles for MT 
> ported from WordPress" etc.). So
> So i am not yet convinced we gain much by renaming 
> it.


Sahil Tandon <sahil at tandon.net>

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