Portsnap: Cowardly Gives Up After Failure

Gerard gerard at seibercom.net
Sun Mar 9 13:04:25 UTC 2008

I just saw this 'portsnap' error message for the first time.

Looking up portsnap.FreeBSD.org mirrors... 4 mirrors found.
Fetching snapshot tag from portsnap2.FreeBSD.org... done.
Latest snapshot on server is older than what we already have!
Cowardly refusing to downgrade from Fri Mar  7 15:23:43 EST 2008
to Fri Mar  7 10:15:54 EST 2008.

I am not quite sure what caused this error to happen. I was thinking
though that perhaps having some sort of retry flag might be a good
idea. Maybe something like having 'portsnap' retry again in 5 minutes
or try another server or whatever. I usually run 'portsnap' from CRON so
active user participation is not really an option.

gerard at seibercom.net

Anyone who says he can see through women is missing a lot.

	Groucho Marx
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