parse the '+CONTENTS' file

Zane C.B. v.velox at
Mon Jun 30 16:52:19 UTC 2008

When passing the '+CONTENTS' file for a installed package, what do
lines matching /^\@cwd/ mean past the first one? I know the first one
is the base, but what the ones after that for?

On a similar note, what are the lines matching /^@ignore/ for?

I am seeing both in '+CONTENTS' file for 'py25-numeric-24.2'.

@cwd .
@comment MD5:c70b839c2aceba69d631d9bb9df1f872
@comment MD5:04328d9e04b5b3c5511b13284c7db166
@comment MD5:219b9fb84bdcc9c6d574c11ea5a3efd9
@mtree +MTREE_DIRS

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