qmake problems

Dan Langille dan at langille.org
Sat Sep 15 08:40:48 PDT 2007

[reposting now that the URL below works ]


I'm trying to create a new port (sysutils/bacula-bat).  I'm having 
trouble getting it to compile.  The error I see is:

config.status: executing default commands
Creating bat Makefile
qmake: not found

It seems the vendor code for this new port wants to run qmake, and it 
seems like I should make it want /usr/local/sbin/qmake-qt4 instead.  
Is that reasonable?

The full make output and a copy of the Makefile is at:


The port (a slave of bacula-server) can be obtained here:


$ md5 bacula-bat.tgz
MD5 (bacula-bat.tgz) = 7336f6ed124c34480f16e799db23a8ee

thank you

Dan Langille - http://www.langille.org/
Available for hire: http://www.freebsddiary.org/dan_langille.php

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