ports/115432: Ports missing library dependencies

Nate Eldredge neldredge at math.ucsd.edu
Wed Oct 3 01:30:57 PDT 2007


[For those I've just cc'ed: the PR describes a problem where some ports 
lack dependencies on shared libraries that they use.  This didn't used to 
occur.  My test case is gqview, which doesn't have a dependency on png, 
although it links to it.]

A little more feedback on this.  I tried some old versions of things, and 
it appears that this bug was introduced with revision 1.570 of 
ports/Mk/bsd.port.mk, committed by pav on June 28 and submitted by 
netchild.  They are cc'ed :)  1.569 works, and gqview properly depends on 

The problem can be tested a little more efficiently by running
"make actual-package-depends" in ports/graphics/gqview.  With 1.569 png is 
included in the list, and in 1.570 it is not.

The make syntax is confusing and it's hard for me to tell what that patch 
actually does, so I can't see where it might be wrong, but maybe someone 
else can.

Thanks all!


Nate Eldredge
neldredge at math.ucsd.edu

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