HEADS UP: xorg 7.2 ready for testing

KAYVEN RIESE kayve at sfsu.edu
Thu May 17 19:12:29 UTC 2007

On Thu, 17 May 2007, Thierry Thomas wrote:

> Le Jeu 17 mai 07 à 18:54:36 +0200, Kris Kennaway <kris at obsecurity.org>
> écrivait :
>>> Once tix has been upgraded, cad/opencascade failed: dps is no more
>>> pulled automatically, and it must be added as a dependence:
>> I think the issue is that dps itself does not build correctly with
>> X.org 7.2.
> It has been built on my machine (i386), and then I have been able to
> build OpenCascade successfully with the previous patch.
> -- 
> Th. Thomas.

it seems like this list will let me know when i can safely upgrade
to xorg 7.2.. is that correct?

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