Time to abandon recursive pulling of dependencies?

Stephen Montgomery-Smith stephen at math.missouri.edu
Sat May 12 18:53:40 UTC 2007

On Sat, 12 May 2007, Kris Kennaway wrote:

> On Sat, May 12, 2007 at 01:33:40PM -0500, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote:

>> I've done a little poking around.  As of right now, I think that the
>> registering takes a huge amount of time inside of a function called
>> "sortdeps" which may be found in /usr/src/usr.sbin/pkg_install/lib/deps.c.
> That function certainly looks like it can be optimized.

I believe that if this function is optimized, that practically all of the 
slowness issues we have seen with pkg_add, pkg_deinstall, etc, will be 
solved.  Give me a few days.  I think I will be able to make it work very 
much faster.  For starters it uses a bubble sort.  I can understand why 
they don't want to use a quicksort, because they want to check complete 
integrety of comparison tree (i.e. that there are no internal loops), but 
I recall seeing an algorithm due perhaps to one of or both of Hopcroft and 
Tarjan that uses a depth first search, maybe 20 years ago, that should be 
much faster, and I think I could reproduce it.

(But if someone else decides to work on it instead, email me immediately 
so that I don't have to do it.)

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