HEADS UP: xorg upgrade plans

Ken Yamada ken at tydfam.jp
Tue May 8 03:13:23 PDT 2007

From: "Rene Ladan" <r.c.ladan at gmail.com>
> Currently most development happens in the git repository.  You can
> look at http://git.xbsd.org/?p=freebsd/ports.git;a=summary to see what
> goes on.

No, "http://wiki.freebsd.org/ModularXorg" says;


If you read about the git repository, forget about it and hold your breath a couple days again. Everything should be merged back to the FreeBSD within a few days.

git may be maintained, but the page already does not show any of git pages and information, anymore.  That is the reason why I am asking...

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