What to do with Perl Modules moved to BackPAN?

Hans F. Nordhaug Hans.F.Nordhaug at hiMolde.no
Fri Mar 30 12:48:55 UTC 2007

Hi, list!

I maintaining a port of a (very rarely used I guess) Perl Module,
databases/p5-DMOZ-ParseRDF, which has been moved to BackPAN[1] -
http://backpan.perl.org/authors/id/P/PA/PAUL/ works, but
http://search.cpan.org/dist/DMOZ-ParseRDF gives no hits.

In the Makefile I use

but that doesn't work since MASTER_SITE_PERL_CPAN doesn't include
any BackPANs[2]. 

So, my question, which is really a general one: Should we ask
for the addition of a BackCPAN mirror to MASTER_SITE_PERL_CPAN
or should we start updating old Perl Module ports with direct links 
to http://backpan.perl.org/?


[1] http://log.perl.org/2005/09/create_your_own.html
[2] It seems some normal Perl mirrors also include a BackPAN mirror,
    for example ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/languages/perl/

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