FreeBSD Port: amarokFS-0.5

Rechistov Grigory (Речистов Григорий) ggg_mail at
Thu Jul 5 02:20:10 UTC 2007


First of all, thanks for porting amarokFS to FreeBSD - I've been waiting  
for this for a long time since I found this application on the Web.

Second, all this stuff with converting amarokFS -> amarok-fs has led port  
to broken state. The reason is a broken Makefile - incorrect tag.gz  
filename (amarok-fs-0.5 instead of amarokFS* so it is unfetchable) and  
wrong $WRKSRC (must be  ${WRKDIR}/amarokFS-0.5, not  
${WRKDIR}/${PORTNAME}-${PORTVERSION}/). With these things corrected  
everything compiles flawlessly.

Thank you for your work!

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