"Recommended test ordering" question.

Julien Gabel julien.gabel at thilelli.net
Sun Jan 14 21:51:54 UTC 2007


I just updated the patch for a little port i maintained, and encountered
a curious error following the "Recommended test ordering" found in the
FreeBSD Porter's Handbook to test it properly.  Here are the steps:
 - make install
   => ok.
 - make package
   => ok.
 - make deinstall
   => ok.
 - pkg_add package-name
   => ok.
 - make deinstall
   => Errors about directories which can't be deleted.
   => Directories _not_ present anymore, but were present after the
      pkg_add step.
   => ok (port seems deinstalled correctly).
 - make reinstall
   => ok.
 - make package
   => ok.

Any suggestion on why i get these errors, although all "seems" fine?


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