Ion3 removal (Re: Ion3 license violation)

Mikhail Teterin mi+mill at
Wed Dec 12 16:30:49 PST 2007

середа 12 грудень 2007 06:35 по, Bill Moran Ви написали:
> It's his software.  If his requirements can't be met, then the port comes
> out of the tree.  What else do you expect to happen?

I expect the port-removal to be initiated/done in an orderly fashion. This 
includes marking it FORBIDDEN (or IGNORE, or BROKEN):

 FORBIDDEN= Violates licensing requirements of the author


 EXPIRATION_DATE=<<Some date a few months from now>>

This would give those people, whom you expect to submit patches, some time to, 
actually, create them... Only if nothing materializes by the expiration date, 
should the port be deleted.


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