need java

[LoN]Kamikaze LoN_Kamikaze at
Sat Sep 9 00:59:28 PDT 2006

It appears it's time for the step by step foolproof guide:

1. Visist
	with your web browser of choice.
2. Download the diablo-caffe Tarball that fits your system.
3. Open a terminal.
4. Become root.
5. cd to wherever you downloaded the Tarball.
6. # mv diablo-caffe-freebsd{VER}-{ARCH}-1.5.0_07-b00.tar.bz2 /usr/ports/distfiles/
	Replace {VER} with your major FreeBSD version and {ARCH} with your
	system architecture. Most likely i386.
7. # cd /usr/ports/java/diablo-jdk15/
8. # make install

This should get you there.

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